Lin Schiffner ... Fabric and Mixed Media Art
Postcard from Home
24" x 20"
"Postcard" was inspired by the region of California that I have called home for my entire life.
Creating mini-landscapes of sites that my husband, son and I particularly enjoyed was a journey through photographs and memories. What a beautiful blessing to be born in such a place!
(In private collection - sold)
Please continue to scroll down to see all of the work in this gallery.
California Topo
29" x 36.5"
California is geographically the most diverse state in the U.S. I chose to depict a topographical map to celebrate and to better understand the incredible biodiversity of our state. We can travel from the highest peak in the Continental U.S. (Mt. Whitney, 14,505’) to the lowest point (Death Valley, -279’). We are blessed with a natural wonderland of ecosystems.
Life on Stage
26" x 30.5"
Challenged by the prompt of “Fibre Theatricks”, I chose to portray the iconic image of comedy and tragedy masks. For thousands of years around the world, theatre has offered audiences dramatic stories that reflect the trials and tribulations of the human condition ~ good/bad; happy/sad; hot /cold; yin/yang; love/hate. Personally I experience theatre on a deeply emotional level thoroughly engaged by the actors and the story.
Blessed are the Peacemakers
32.5" x 34.5"
This piece was made to honor all the peacemakers of the world. The individuals portrayed have lived or are living in my lifetime and represent many walks of life. Their stories and messages have significantly impacted my life. They are: Joan Baez, Helen Caldecott, Rachel Carson, Cesar Chavez, Dorothy Day, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Mother Teresa, Dalai Lama, Wangari Maathai, Rosa Parks, Peace Pilgrim, Sadaku Sasaki, Albert Schweitzer and Pete Seeger.
The quote embroidered in beads at the bottom of the piece reads:
"The earth is too small a star and we too brief a visitor upon it for anything to matter more than the struggle for PEACE." (Colman McCarthy)
(In personal collection - NFS)
Remembering Sandy Hook
33" x 33.5"
"What can I do?" is often the response to a senseless tragedy or deep sorrow.
For me, that something to do was to work on a piece that would honor the beautiful children and educators who lost their lives at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012. No words can capture the sadness of this horrible event. May we never forget them.
(In personal collection - NFS )
Memories of Loving Parents
33" x 35"
This piece was made as part of my personal grieving process over the loss of my beloved parents. The predominate motif is "memory jars" adorned with trinkets, charms, and memorabilia that represent cherished memories of my beautiful parents. The other elements of the piece include pictures and icons that were family treasures of my Catholic upbringing. The form of this piece was inspired by Terrie Hancock Mangat whose work I adore.
(In personal collection - NFS)
Memories of Shara
30.5" x 34"
This piece honors the memory of Shara Ann Peters Franyovich (February 3, 1968 - November 11, 2006), my beloved niece whose life was cut short by cancer. She included me in all of the passages of her life, bestowing on me the title of "Grantie" to her daughter, Miranda, who was 7 years old when her mother died. Shara loved me, I loved her...
and I always will.
(In personal collection - NFS)
A Garden for
St. Francis of Assisi
31.5" x 36"
Since our youth the story, the story and example of this beloved saint have been an inspiration to me and my husband.
"A Garden for St. Francis of Assisi" was created to honor him and our memories. In the Catholic tradition, St. Francis is the patron saint of the environment, animals, birds, needle-workers, and Peace.
(In personal collection - NFS)
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The Color Purple
33” x 44”
This work was made to pay tribute to Alice Walker’s The Color Purple, a book that I love and that touched my heart and soul. Inspired by a quote from the book - “pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don’t notice it,” I created this work using a monochromic palette – a real challenge for me. The intricate beading was added to enhance the amethyst-like quality of the piece and to add texture.
(In private collection - sold)