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Sunrise, Sunset

30” x  32”


This piece was made after studying Jane Dunnewold’s work on emerging genres in art quilting.  It exemplifies the melding of tradition to contemporary surface design

 - representative of Jane’s first category of art quilts called “Quilts inspired by traditional patterns”.

I was inspired by the “moon over the mountain” traditional block and executed the design by drawing on a single piece of cloth, hand-painting the entire surface with acrylics then stitching the whole piece to accent the lines and unify the layers.


Please continue to scroll down to see all of the work in this gallery.


20' x 26"

“Scrappy”represents a part of my heart and soul.  Always a playful muse, she has appeared in different forms within my body of work.  She is a lover of all things fabric/fiber, needles and thread with a passion for color and detail. This time she called for an off-the-wall piece.

John Lennon’s Imaginations

30” x  36”


A tribute to the music of John Lennon, especially the song “Imagine” was the inspiration of this work. The words and the dream depicted on the piece are his.  The peace movement has had a huge impact on my art – in fact my whole life, and I loved emerging myself in the times, music and memories of an incredible era.  May the words be taken to heart and not seen as 60’s cliché.

The form the piece took was inspired by photographs taken by my son and daughter-in-law when they visited the Lennon graffiti wall in Prague, Czech Republic.

(In personal collection - NFS)

Shrine to Our Parents

19" x 26"


This shrine of remembrance and love was made in memory of my and my husband's extraordinary parents.  This piece includes a miniature Dia de los Muertos altar with traditional elements such as marigolds, candles, food and water, sugar skulls, photographs, and memorabilia enjoyed by those being honored.  The structure of the shrine is wood, the background is fabric collage and the decor includes miscellaneous commercial and handmade trinkets, charms and other miniature items.


(In personal collection - NFS) 

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Frieda's Tea Set


This set was specially designed for the 2013 "Art of Tea" show at Artist's Studios in the Foothills.  Drawn to the tradition of Dias de los Muertos for a number of years, I eagerly designed a tea set for Frieda.  Beginning with foundations of ceramics, each piece was covered with batting and then collaged with small commercial, printed, and painted fabric.


The set was purchased by the Kamm Teapot Foundation for their international museum collection housed in Sparta, North Carolina.

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